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By Decision № 186 of 21.04.2015 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) adopted a Draft Decision on definition, analysis and assessment of the market of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location and of the market of wholesale central access provided at a fixed location. CRC defined the market of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location only as a relevant market susceptible to ex ante regulation. The Draft reflects also the results of the public consultation launched by Decision № 769 of 12.12.2014 of CRC

By Decision № 186 of 21.04.2015 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) adopted a Draft Decision on definition, analysis and assessment of the market of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location and of the market of wholesale central access provided at a fixed location. CRC defined the market of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location only as a relevant market susceptible to ex ante regulation. The Draft reflects also the results of the public consultation launched by Decision № 769 of 12.12.2014 of CRC


By Decision № 186 of 21.04.2015 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) adopted a Draft Decision on definition, analysis and assessment of the market of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location and of the market of wholesale central access provided at a fixed location. CRC defined the market of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location only as a relevant market susceptible to ex ante regulation. The Draft reflects also the results of the public consultation launched by Decision № 769 of 12.12.2014 of CRC.


The Draft of market analysis is submitted for a public consultation to the interested parties and is published on the CRC’s website under  the Section "Public consultations" .



24.04.2015 See more
Bulgaria and Albania signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of electronic communications

Bulgaria and Albania signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of electronic communications

At the invitation of the Albanian side, on 12 May 2015 in Tirana the Chairman of the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) Mr Veselin Bozhkov, PhD, and the Chairman of the Electronic and Postal Communications Authority (AKEP) Mr Piro Xhixho signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of electronic communications.


The purpose of the Memorandum is to establish a common base for bilateral cooperation between CRC and AKEP on issues related to the regulation of electronic communications markets and services through regular exchange of information, experience and documentation.


The cooperation between the Parties will be in support of their regulatory activities directed towards promoting competition in the sector and protecting the interests of end users in line with the best international and European practices.

CRC and AKEP will regularly carry out bilateral consultations in order to set the priorities for cooperation, exchange views and undertake coordinated actions and joint positions before European and other international fora and organisations related to the communications sector.


The signing of this Memorandum is in line with CRC’s policy for expanding and deepening the interaction with the national regulatory authorities of the countries in the region and EU.      



15.05.2015 See more
Position on preventing the exercise of the right to termination of contracts for provision of electronic communications services

Position on preventing the exercise of the right to termination of contracts for provision of electronic communications services

At its session held on 24 February 2015 the Communications Regulation Commission adopted the following position on preventing the exercise of the right to termination of contracts for provision of electronic communications services:


The right to withdraw from an individual contract for provision of electronic communications services is a fundamental consumers’ right that is imperatively laid out in the law. Pursuant to Art. 229a  and Art.228, para. 5 of the Law on Electronic Communications (LEC) this right shall be exercised unilaterally by the subscriber without the undertaking’s consent to be necessary.


There are no restrictions on the place for submitting the notice or the application for contract’s termination provided for in the LEC. Such a possibility is not laid down in the civil legislation either. Applications and notices may be submitted at every chain store of the relevant undertaking, by post or e-mail.


The refusal to accept and consider applications for termination of contracts for provision of electronic communications services in undertakings’ chain stores is contrary to the law and to the requirement for good faith.




26.02.2015 See more