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Position on preventing the exercise of the right to termination of contracts for provision of electronic communications services


At its session held on 24 February 2015 the Communications Regulation Commission adopted the following position on preventing the exercise of the right to termination of contracts for provision of electronic communications services:


The right to withdraw from an individual contract for provision of electronic communications services is a fundamental consumers’ right that is imperatively laid out in the law. Pursuant to Art. 229a  and Art.228, para. 5 of the Law on Electronic Communications (LEC) this right shall be exercised unilaterally by the subscriber without the undertaking’s consent to be necessary.


There are no restrictions on the place for submitting the notice or the application for contract’s termination provided for in the LEC. Such a possibility is not laid down in the civil legislation either. Applications and notices may be submitted at every chain store of the relevant undertaking, by post or e-mail.


The refusal to accept and consider applications for termination of contracts for provision of electronic communications services in undertakings’ chain stores is contrary to the law and to the requirement for good faith.