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By Decision № 186 of 21.04.2015 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) adopted a Draft Decision on definition, analysis and assessment of the market of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location and of the market of wholesale central access provided at a fixed location. CRC defined the market of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location only as a relevant market susceptible to ex ante regulation. The Draft reflects also the results of the public consultation launched by Decision № 769 of 12.12.2014 of CRC


By Decision № 186 of 21.04.2015 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) adopted a Draft Decision on definition, analysis and assessment of the market of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location and of the market of wholesale central access provided at a fixed location. CRC defined the market of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location only as a relevant market susceptible to ex ante regulation. The Draft reflects also the results of the public consultation launched by Decision № 769 of 12.12.2014 of CRC.


The Draft of market analysis is submitted for a public consultation to the interested parties and is published on the CRC’s website under  the Section "Public consultations" .