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CRC’s position on the application of Art. 41, para. 1 of the General requirements for carrying out public electronic communications (adopted by protocol decision No. 6 of 16 July 2015)

CRC’s position on the application of Art. 41, para. 1 of the General requirements for carrying out public electronic communications (adopted by protocol decision No. 6 of 16 July 2015)


According to Art. 41, para. 1 of the General requirements for carrying out public electronic communications, the undertakings publish on paper their General conditions adopted under Art. 226, para. 1 of the Law on electronic communications and place them in a visible place in their retail outlets.


All General conditions of the contract between the end users and the undertakings providing public electronic communications networks and/or public electronic communications services shall be placed in each retail outlet of the respective undertaking in a visible place for all users.


CRC advises the end users to carefully acquaint themselves with the applicable General conditions before signing a contract for electronic communication services. The General conditions regulate important rights and obligations for the end user.

20.07.2015 See more
By Decision No 280 of 25.06.2015 the Communications Regulation Commission adopted a draft Decision on definition, analysis and assessment of the market of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location and the market of wholesale central access provided at a fixed location

By Decision No 280 of 25.06.2015 the Communications Regulation Commission adopted a draft Decision on definition, analysis and assessment of the market of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location and the market of wholesale central access provided at a fixed location


After conducting a public consultation procedure by Decision No 280 of 25.06.2015, the Communications Regulation Commission adopted a draft Decision on definition, analysis and assessment of the market of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location and the market of wholesale central access provided at a fixed location.


Pursuant to the provisions of the Law on Electronic Communications the draft decision shall be sent for consideration to the European Commission, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications and the national regulatory authorities of the European Union’s Member States.


The draft decision and the results from the conducted public consultation have been published on the CRC’s website at the following address under the section Public consultation.

30.06.2015 See more
To whom it may concern

To whom it may concern


Pursuant to the provision of Art. 13, paragraph 2 of the Tariff for the fees collected by the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) under the Law on Electronic Communications (the Tariff), adopted by Decree No 374 of the Council of Ministers of 29.12.2011 (Promulgated, State Gazette № 107/31.12.2011) the annual fee for use of individually assigned scarce resource shall be paid in four equal installments by the end of the month preceding the quarter. In this regard we remind you that the deadline for the third quarter expires on 30 June 2015.


The fees shall be paid by payment order to account IBAN BG78 BNBG 9661 30 001226 01, BIC code of the Bulgarian National Bank BNBG BGSD, City of Sofia, 1 “Kniaz Alexander І” square.


Contact phones: 02/949 2711 and 02/949 2739

23.06.2015 See more
Bulgaria took participation in the World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2015

Bulgaria took participation in the World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2015





The Chairman of the Communications Regulation Commission (CRС) Mr. Veselin Bozhkov, PhD, took participation in the annual World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2015 which was held during the period 25-29 May in Geneva.

The Forum is coordinated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and was held under the aegis of the United Nations (UN), with the active support of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and other specialized UN organizations.


On the personal invitation by the Secretary-General of ITU Mr. Houlin Zhao the CRC Chairman gave an official statement before the High Level Forum, stressing Bulgaria’s contribution to the implementation of WSIS decisions and for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. He highlighted the CRC commitment towards Bulgaria’s political engagements, in whose execution the National Regulatory Authority participates within its competence.


More than 1700 participants including 120 ministers, ambassadors and heads of international agencies, representatives of the business, science and civil society from 140 countries attended the 140 sessions of the event’s agenda.


The High Level Segment provided a platform for more than 140 high level policy statements – a milestone in the context of the last 10 years progress review (WSIS+10), giving world leaders the opportunity to confirm their commitment to ensuring ICTs realize their potential and play a key role in fostering innovation and sustainable development at the global level.


29.05.2015 See more



The Communications Regulation Commission draws consumers’ attention to the fact that use of GSM/UMTS jammers is prohibited on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and their users are subject to sanctions of 200 to 2000 BGN, under Art. 328, para. 1, of the Law on Electronic Communications.


Jammers are intended to emit radio signals that block the radio signals of other radio devices operating in the same frequency bands. Thus jammers have a “harmful effect”, which creates interferences on other radio services operating in compliance with the national legislation. In this connection, GSM/UMTS jammers cannot be placed on the market and/or put into effect and pursuant to the Ordinance for the essential requirements and conformity assessment of radio and terminal electronic communications equipment and the Law on Technical Requirements to Products.

26.05.2015 See more