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CRC’s position on the application of Art. 41, para. 1 of the General requirements for carrying out public electronic communications (adopted by protocol decision No. 6 of 16 July 2015)


According to Art. 41, para. 1 of the General requirements for carrying out public electronic communications, the undertakings publish on paper their General conditions adopted under Art. 226, para. 1 of the Law on electronic communications and place them in a visible place in their retail outlets.


All General conditions of the contract between the end users and the undertakings providing public electronic communications networks and/or public electronic communications services shall be placed in each retail outlet of the respective undertaking in a visible place for all users.


CRC advises the end users to carefully acquaint themselves with the applicable General conditions before signing a contract for electronic communication services. The General conditions regulate important rights and obligations for the end user.