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By its Decision No. 436/29.08.2016 the Communications Regulation Commission decided to extend by thirty (30) days the deadline for submission of opinions by interested parties in the public consultation procedure on the draft decision, published in pursuance of Decision No. 388/28.07.2016 (a draft Decision on determination of cost-oriented voice call termination rates on individual mobile networks based on an effective operator’s costs, calculated by adapted CRC’s BULRIC (Bottom-Up Long-Run Incremental Costs) model)

By its Decision No. 436/29.08.2016 the Communications Regulation Commission decided to extend by thirty (30) days the deadline for submission of opinions by interested parties in the public consultation procedure on the draft decision, published in pursuance of Decision No. 388/28.07.2016 (a draft Decision on determination of cost-oriented voice call termination rates on individual mobile networks based on an effective operator’s costs, calculated by adapted CRC’s BULRIC (Bottom-Up Long-Run Incremental Costs) model)

By its Decision  No. 436/29.08.2016 the Communications Regulation Commission decided to extend by thirty (30) days the deadline for submission of opinions by interested parties in the public consultation procedure on the draft decision, published in pursuance of Decision No. 388/28.07.2016 (a draft Decision on determination of cost-oriented voice call termination rates on individual mobile networks based on an effective operator’s costs, calculated by adapted CRC’s BULRIC (Bottom-Up Long-Run Incremental Costs) model)

With a view to extending the procedure, the first date of entry into force of the termination rate on individual mobile networks shall be amended from 01.11.2016 to 01.12.2016.



30.08.2016 See more
The Communications Regulation Commission by its Decision No. 281 of 11.05.2016 adopted a Draft Decision on definition, analysis and assessment of the wholesale market of high-quality access provided at a fixed location

The Communications Regulation Commission by its Decision No. 281 of 11.05.2016 adopted a Draft Decision on definition, analysis and assessment of the wholesale market of high-quality access provided at a fixed location

By Decision No. 281 of 11.05.2016 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) adopted a Draft Decision on definition, analysis and assessment of the wholesale market of high-quality access provided at a fixed location (Draft Decision). The Draft Decision and its annex (market analysis) have been submitted for consultation with the stakeholders and they are published on CRC’s website under the section Public consultation.



16.05.2016 See more
On 5 May 2016, the Chairman of CRC officially awarded licenses for additional spectrum in the 1800 MHz band to Mobiltel EAD, Bulgarian Telecommunication Company EAD and Telenor Bulgaria EAD

On 5 May 2016, the Chairman of CRC officially awarded licenses for additional spectrum in the 1800 MHz band to Mobiltel EAD, Bulgarian Telecommunication Company EAD and Telenor Bulgaria EAD

By decisions of the Communications Regulation Commission of 27 April 2016, additional spectrum in the 1800 MHz band was granted to Mobiltel EAD, Telenor Bulgaria EAD, Bulgarian Telecommunications Company EAD, Max Telecom OOD and Bulsatcom EAD. Thus, each undertaking has an equivalent resource of 2x15 MHz within this band.


The provided by CRC additional resource will ensure the operators with the necessary capacity to achieve high-speed data transfer, which will support innovations related to the provision of LTE services. Thus, the growing demand for mobile services related to high speed and broadband transmission and exchange of information, mobile internet and more will be met. This, in turn, is the determining market driver for accelerating the pace of mobile networks development. The introduction of LTE will enable users to use more varied and high-quality mobile services, such as distribution of multimedia content (video and/or audio) as LTE standard, Voice over LTE, mobile Internet.


05.05.2016 See more