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The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) has launched a public consultation procedure on a draft Decision on amendment and supplement to the Rules for carrying out electronic communications via radio equipment using radio frequency spectrum which does not need to be individually assigned

The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) has launched a public consultation procedure on a draft Decision on amendment and supplement to the Rules for carrying out electronic communications via radio equipment using radio frequency spectrum which does not need to be individually assigned


By its Decision No 238 of 4 May 2017 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) launched a public consultation procedure on a draft Decision on amendment and supplement to the Rules for carrying out electronic communications via radio equipment using radio frequency spectrum which does not need to be individually assigned.

The full text of the draft is published on CRC’s website at the following address under the section Public consultation.


15.05.2017 See more
The Commission for Personal Data Protection has updated its binding instructions under Art. 261a, para 3, item 2 of the Law on Electronic Communications

The Commission for Personal Data Protection has updated its binding instructions under Art. 261a, para 3, item 2 of the Law on Electronic Communications


      The Commission for Personal Data Protection has updated its binding instructions under Art. 261a, para 3, item 2 of the Law on Electronic Communications. The binding instructions and the appendices to them can be found at the following websites:


      Binding instructions -

Templates of the appendices to the binding instructions -

21.03.2017 See more
By its Decision No 32 of 19.01.2017 CRC approved the templates of the forms of annual questionnaires for reporting the activity on provision of electronic communications networks and/or services in 2016

By its Decision No 32 of 19.01.2017 CRC approved the templates of the forms of annual questionnaires for reporting the activity on provision of electronic communications networks and/or services in 2016

In connection with Decision No 32 of 19.01.2017 of the Communications Regulation Commission, the undertakings registered as of 31.12.2016 in a public registry of the undertakings having notified the Commission for their intention to carry out public electronic communications, should submit by 01.03.2017 information on their activity during the past year in conformity with templates of questionnaires and instructions to them published on CRC’s website under the section Practical information, subsection Questionnaires, category Questionnaires for the undertakings providing electronic communications, point 2 Annual questionnaires about the activity of the undertakings in 2016.    



27.01.2017 See more
The Communications Regulation Commission approved the Reference Interconnection Offer submitted by the „Bulgarian Telecommunication Company” ЕАD (BTC)

The Communications Regulation Commission approved the Reference Interconnection Offer submitted by the „Bulgarian Telecommunication Company” ЕАD (BTC)


By its Decision No. 624 of 16 December 2016 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC/Commission) approved the draft Reference Interconnection Offer submitted by BTC with binding instructions for its amendment.


The table comprising the filed in CRC statements of interested parties on the Commission’s position concerning the draft Reference Offer, as well as the binding instructions for its amendment can be found under the section „Public consultations”.

27.12.2016 See more