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CRC adopted the final decision on the analysis of the wholesale market for high-quality access provided at a fixed location

CRC adopted the final decision on the analysis of the wholesale market for high-quality access provided at a fixed location

On 11 August 2016 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) adopted its final decision on the analysis of the wholesale market for high-quality access provided at a fixed location in the Republic of Bulgaria in accordance with the EU regulatory framework.


The results of public consultations carried out with the stakeholders and the opinion of the Commission for Protection of Competition have been taken into account in CRC’s final decision. The European Commission has no comments on the notified market analysis.


The results of the analysis showed that there are no preconditions that would impede the effective competition, since there is no undertaking with significant power on the relevant market. Pursuant to the provisions of Art. 155, para. 1 and para. 2 of the Law on Electronic Communications all specific obligations imposed on the undertaking with significant market power in the previous round of market analysis[i] should be withdrawn. CRC determines a transitional period for implementation of the repealed specific obligations on the wholesale market for terminating segments of wholesale leased lines. The specific obligations imposed by Decision № 1954/27.09.2012 shall continue to apply for a period of six months from the adoption of the final decision to allow the participants to adapt to the new market conditions after withdrawal of the obligations imposed.


The final decision, the market analysis and the summary of the results from the public consultations and the consultations with Commission for Protection of Competition and EC were published on 25.08.2016 under the “Market regulation – electronic communications” section.

[i] CRC’s Decision № 1954/27.09.2012


25.08.2016 See more
By its Decision No 405/04.08.2016 CRC obliged undertakings providing data transmission and Internet access services in the Republic of Bulgaria to submit by 26.08.2016 information about the activity updated as of 01.07.2016

By its Decision No 405/04.08.2016 CRC obliged undertakings providing data transmission and Internet access services in the Republic of Bulgaria to submit by 26.08.2016 information about the activity updated as of 01.07.2016


CRC adopted Decision No 405/04.08.2016 by which undertakings providing data transmission and Internet access services, indicated in Appendix I to the Decision, are obliged to submit to CRC the necessary data for broadband Internet access in the Republic of Bulgaria in line with Appendix II to Decision No 405/04.08.2016. The information should be submitted on paper and electronically by 26.08.2016.




09.08.2016 See more
By its Decision No 394 of 28 July 2016 the Communications Regulation Commission launched a procedure for carrying out public consultations on the existence of interest by new entrants for granting an authorization for construction of a digital terrestrial television broadcasting network with national coverage

By its Decision No 394 of 28 July 2016 the Communications Regulation Commission launched a procedure for carrying out public consultations on the existence of interest by new entrants for granting an authorization for construction of a digital terrestrial television broadcasting network with national coverage

By its Decision No 394 of 28 July 2016 the Communications Regulation Commission launched a procedure for carrying out public consultations on the existence of interest by new entrants for granting an authorization for construction of a digital terrestrial television broadcasting network with national coverage.


The CRC’s position has been published at the following address under the section Public Consultation.



02.08.2016 See more
By its Decision No 392 of 28 July 2016 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) launched a public consultation procedure on a draft Decree for amendment and supplement to the Tariff for the fees

By its Decision No 392 of 28 July 2016 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) launched a public consultation procedure on a draft Decree for amendment and supplement to the Tariff for the fees

By its Decision No 392 of 28 July 2016 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) launched a public consultation procedure on a draft Decree for amendment and supplement to the Tariff for the fees collected by the Communications Regulation Commission under the Law on Electronic Communications adopted By Decree No 374 of the Council of Ministers of 29.12.2011.


The full text of the draft has been published on CRC’s website at the following address under the section Public Consultation.


02.08.2016 See more
By its Decision No 379 of 14 July 2016 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) launched a public consultation procedure on draft Technical requirements for ensuring interoperability of the consumers digital television equipment

By its Decision No 379 of 14 July 2016 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) launched a public consultation procedure on draft Technical requirements for ensuring interoperability of the consumers digital television equipment


By its Decision No 379 of 14 July 2016 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) launched a public consultation procedure on draft Technical requirements for ensuring interoperability of the consumers digital television equipment.


The full text of the draft has been published on CRC’s website at the following address under the  section Public Consultation. 

19.07.2016 See more
Announcement in relation to CRC Decision No. 388/28.07.2016

Announcement in relation to CRC Decision No. 388/28.07.2016


By its Decision No. 388 of 28.07.2016 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC/the Commission) adopted a draft Decision on definition of cost-oriented voice call termination rates on individual mobile networks based on an effective operator’s costs, calculated by adapted CRC’s BULRIC (Bottom-Up Long-Run Incremental Costs) model and launched a public consultation procedure on the draft pursuant to Art. 36 of the Law on Electronic Communications.


The draft adapted BULRIC model of a mobile network in Bulgaria is provided to the stakeholders for public consultation and has been published on CRC’s website under the section „Public consultation”.

29.07.2016 See more