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Bulgaria re-elected to the Council of Administration at the 26th Congress of the Universal Postal Union

Bulgaria re-elected to the Council of Administration at the 26th Congress of the Universal Postal Union

At the 26th Congress of the Universal Postal Union in Istanbul, Turkey, elections were held for Director General and Deputy Director General of the International Bureau of the Union and for members of the Council of Administration and Postal Operations Council.


Bishar A. Hussein from Kenya and Pascal-Thierry Clivaz from Switzerland were re-elected as Director General and Deputy Director General of the International Bureau of the Union.


Bulgaria was re-elected to the Council of Administration for the period 2016-2020.  




06.10.2016 See more
By its decision No 496 of 17.09.2016 the Communications Regulation Commission adopted a draft Decision on determination of cost-oriented rates for call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location for the period 2016 – 2020

By its decision No 496 of 17.09.2016 the Communications Regulation Commission adopted a draft Decision on determination of cost-oriented rates for call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location for the period 2016 – 2020

By its decision No 496 of 17.09.2016 the Communications Regulation Commission adopted a draft Decision on determination of cost-oriented rates for call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location for the period 2016 – 2020 based on efficient operator’s costs calculated by adapted Commission’s BULRIC model, after conducting a public consultation procedure.


Pursuant to the provisions of the Law on Electronic Communications, the draft decision is submitted for consideration to the European Commission, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications and the national regulatory authorities of the European Union’s member states.


The draft decision and the results from the conducted public consultation have been published on CRC’s website at the following address under the section Public consultation.



19.09.2016 See more
September 30th is the deadline for payment of the fees for the fourth quarter

September 30th is the deadline for payment of the fees for the fourth quarter

To whom it may concern


We would like to remind you that pursuant to the provision of Art. 13, paragraph 1 of the Tariff for the fees collected by the Communications Regulation Commission under the Law on Electronic Communications, the deadline for payment of the fee for use of individually assigned scarce resource for the fourth quarter expires on 30.09.2016.


The fees shall be paid by payment order to the account of the Communications Regulation Commission:


IBAN BG78 BNBG 9661 30 001226 01,

BIC code of Bulgarian National Bank BNBG BGSD,

Sofia, 1 “Kniaz Alexander Parvi” square.


Contact phones: 02/949 2711 and 02/949 2739




14.09.2016 See more