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By its Decision No 322/15.06.2017, the Communications Regulation Commission adopted a draft Decision on amendment and supplement to the General requirements for carrying out public electronic communications

By its Decision No 322/15.06.2017, the Communications Regulation Commission adopted a draft Decision on amendment and supplement to the General requirements for carrying out public electronic communications

By its Decision No 322/15.06.2017, the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) launched a public consultation procedure on a draft Decision on amendment and supplement to the General requirements for carrying out public electronic communications.


The draft Decision is submitted for consultation with the stakeholders and has been published on CRC’s website under the section Public consultation.



19.06.2017 See more
New roaming rules within the European Union

New roaming rules within the European Union

As of 15 June 2017 new roaming rules enter into force within the European Union.


Detailed information about the roaming, frequently asked questions and consumer advice are available on the Communications Regulation Commissions website under the sectionFor consumers”, subsectionInformation about the international roaming” and under the section “Areas of regulation”, subsection “International Roaming”.


The Communications Regulation Commission invites consumers to get acquainted with the information published on the website of the regulator and those of their mobile services providers.  




08.06.2017 See more
30 June is the deadline for payment of the fees for the 3rd quarter

30 June is the deadline for payment of the fees for the 3rd quarter

To whom it may concern,


Pursuant to the provision Art. 13, para 1 of the Tariff for the fees collected by the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) under the Electronic Communications Act (The Tariff), adopted by  Decree No 374/29.12.2011 (promulgated SG issue 107 of 31.12.2011) of the Council of Ministers, the annual fee for use of individually assigned scarce resource shall be paid in four equal installments by the end of the month preceding the quarter. In this regard, we remind you that the deadline for the third quarter expires on 30.06.2017.


The fees shall be paid by payment order to IBAN account BG78 BNBG 9661 30 001226 01, BIC code of Bulgarian National Bank BNBG BGSD, 1, Knyaz Alexander І Square, Sofia.


Contact telephone numbers: 02/949 2960 and 02/949 2739    



07.06.2017 See more
Position on advance notice submission for termination of individual contracts for provision of electronic communications services

Position on advance notice submission for termination of individual contracts for provision of electronic communications services

At its session held on 1 June 2017, by Protocol Decision No 1/01.06.2017, the Communications Regulation Commission adopted the following position on advance notice submission for termination of individual contracts for provision of electronic communications services:

The undertakings shall ensure that at any moment during the period of validity of the individual contract for provision of electronic communications services, the subscribers are allowed to submit an advance notice declaring their desire to terminate the contract upon expiration of its term.



02.06.2017 See more
The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) launches a public consultation procedure under Art. 37 of the Law on Electronic Communications on a draft Reference Offer for concluding a contract for unbundled access to the subscriber’s line (Reference Offer), submitted by „Bulgarian Telecommunication Company” ЕАD (BТC) and the CRC’s   position for amendment of the same

The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) launches a public consultation procedure under Art. 37 of the Law on Electronic Communications on a draft Reference Offer for concluding a contract for unbundled access to the subscriber’s line (Reference Offer), submitted by „Bulgarian Telecommunication Company” ЕАD (BТC) and the CRC’s position for amendment of the same

The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) launches a public consultation procedure under Art. 37 of the Law on Electronic Communications on a draft Reference Offer, submitted by BTC and the CRC’s position for amendment of the same. The elaborated by CRC position, which is in the form of a draft Decision for giving binding instructions for amendment of the Reference Offer, aims to ensure an effective implementation of the specific obligations imposed on BTC. The drafts of the Decision and of the Reference Offer are published on the Commission’s website -, under the Section „Public consultation".


Interested parties may submit their written comments to the CRC, 6 Gurko Street, 1000 Sofia, within a 14 days term as from the date of the present publication.




30.05.2017 See more