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Related to Decision No 620 of 14.12.2017

Related to Decision No 620 of 14.12.2017

By Decision No 620 of 14.12.2017 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) launched a public consultation procedure on a draft CRC’s Position on fulfillment of the requirements of Art. 3 and Art. 4 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 by providers of Internet access services to end users.

The purpose of the position is the expression of CRC’s understanding of the implementation of the Regulation’s requirements, which are subject to the discretion of the national regulatory authorities. This will contribute to  greater clarity, transparency and harmonization of the applicable contractual terms and conditions with the end users that the providers of Internet access services should set in compliance with the provisions of Art. 3 and Art. 4 of the Regulation.

The draft decision has been published for consultation with the interested parties on CRC’s website under the Public consultations” Section.


21.12.2017 See more
Deadlines for payment of the fees for use of individually assigned scarce resource

Deadlines for payment of the fees for use of individually assigned scarce resource

To whom it may concern


We remind that the fees due to the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) for use of individually assigned scarce resource can be paid in one of two ways:



  1. Payment in 4 /four/ equal installments by the end of the month preceding the quarter pursuant to the provision of Art. 13, Para 1 of the Tariff of fees collected by the CRC under the Electronic Communications Act (the Tariff). In this case, the deadline for payment of the fees for the first quarter expires on 31.12.2017.
  2. One-off payment by 31.03.2018, with a 5% discount, pursuant to the provision of Art. 13, Para 2 of the Tariff. In case of payment of the annual fee by 31st March, this should be declared by sending a letter of notification to CRC.



The fees shall be paid by bank transfer to the bank account IBAN  BG78 BNBG 9661 30 001226 01, BIC code of the Bulgarian National Bank BNBG BGSD; 1, Knyaz Alexander I Sq.



Contact numbers: + 359 2 949 2960 and +359 2 949 2739 



11.12.2017 See more
Postage stamp on the 20th anniversary of the regulatory authority in the field of communications

Postage stamp on the 20th anniversary of the regulatory authority in the field of communications

Postage stamp on the 20th anniversary

of the regulatory authority in the field of communications




      The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Mr Dimitar Genovski and the Chairman of the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC), Mr. Veselin Bozhkov, PhD validated a postage stamp on the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the independent Bulgarian communications regulator. Mr Genovski emphasized that two decades history of an institution manifest stability and hard work and that during all these years the Ministry has worked in close cooperation with the Commission to adapt our legislation to the European Union’s legal framework.

       „Over the past years, we have established ourselves as an authoritative institution“, the CRC Chairman Mr Veselin Bozhkov, PhD said. He listed the regulator’s most significant achievements: multifold decrease of wholesale rates for fixed and mobile networks, more than 5 times drop of the average rates of off-net mobile calls - from 0.36 BGN/min in 2007 to below 0.07 BGN/min today; successful implementation of number portability – more than 2 million mobile and 500 000 fixed ported numbers; effective implementation of the Roaming Regulation, etc. The Chairman noted also the increased international prestige of CRC, which chaired the Network of telecom regulators of the Member States of the International Organization of La Francophonie (FRATEL) and the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP). Mr Veselin Bozhkov is serving as ERGP Vice Chair for the current year.

      Both Deputy Minister Genovski and CRC Chairman Veselin Bozhkov expressed confidence that the two institutions will continue their joint work to support the future large scale legislative reform in the area of electronic communications in the framework of the first Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

02.11.2017 See more