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The Communications Regulation Commission adopted a draft amendment and supplement of the “List of radio equipment using frequency bands harmonized through the EU and electronic communications terminal equipment”

The Communications Regulation Commission adopted a draft amendment and supplement of the “List of radio equipment using frequency bands harmonized through the EU and electronic communications terminal equipment”

The Communications Regulation Commission adopted a draft amendment and supplement of the “List of radio equipment using frequency bands harmonized through the EU and electronic communications terminal equipment”. The draft is elaborated with a view to the necessity of updating and carrying out in conformity the legislation, regulating the conditions for the radio frequency spectrum management, which is not necessary to be individually assigned.


The draft is adopted in pursuance of the requirements of the Law on electronic communications (LEC). In conformity with the LEC and on the grounds of art. 36, para 1 and para 2, in connection with art. 265, para 1 and para 2 of the Law, the regulator opens a public consultation procedure as the draft amendment and supplement of  the “List of radio equipment using frequency bands harmonized through the EU and electronic communications terminal equipment” is published on the CRC website, “Public consultation” section. The interested parties may send their written standpoints until 10 April 2009 at the address Sofia, 6 Gurko str., Communications Regulation Commission.


The suggestions and remarks on the draft amendment and supplement of the “List of radio equipment using frequency bands harmonized through the EU and electronic communications terminal equipment” that are made in time will be considered by the CRC.The suggestions and remarks on the draft amendment and supplement of the “List of radio equipment using frequency bands harmonized through the EU and electronic communications terminal equipment” that are made in time will be considered by the CRC. 



12.03.2009 See more


In connection with #42 of the Transitional and Final Provision of the Law for Amendment and Supplement of the Law on Radio and Television (promulgated in State Gazette issue 14 of 2009), the Communications Regulation Commission notifies the following:



The individuals to whom licenses are issued for construction, maintenance and use of telecommunications networks for broadcasting with local coverage by the order of #9a, paragraph 2 of the Transitional and Final Provision, should file in one month (time) from entering into force of the Law for Amendment and Supplement of the Law on Radio and Television applications (free text) to the Communications Regulation Commission for issuance of an authorization for use of individually assigned scarce resource. The applications should be attached with updated document on the applicant’s commercial registration.



27.02.2009 See more
The CRC notified the EC of the first 3 market analyses

The CRC notified the EC of the first 3 market analyses

On 23-rd December 2008 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) submitted for notification before the European Commission (EC) three drafts of market analyses after considering the results of the carried out public consultation and adopted Decisions No2429 and No2430 of 19 December 2009.
The sent drafts comprise the markets of voice calls termination on individual mobile networks, call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location and call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location.
It is expected in one month time the EC to submit its standpoint on the analyses after which the CRC will adopt a final decision on the regulatory remedies enforcement. The stipulated obligations regarding the fixed and mobile operators concern two years period – till 2010 when the markets will be analyzed again.
The notified draft analyses together with the summarized from the public consultation results are published in “Public consultations” section. (available only in Bulgarian).
For 11 months the CRC analyzed 5 wholesale markets and 6 retail markets. To the moment the drafts of the remaining 8 market analyses are in a public consultation procedure and after considering the results will be notified before the EC.


06.01.2009 See more
The Communications Regulation Commission /CRС/ opens a procedure for contracting a public procurement order with the subject: „Development of an information system "Licensing and registers" of CRС according to ОPАC

The Communications Regulation Commission /CRС/ opens a procedure for contracting a public procurement order with the subject: „Development of an information system "Licensing and registers" of CRС according to ОPАC

The content of the item is available only in Bulgarian 







The Communications Regulation Commission /CRС/ opens a procedure for contracting a public procurement order with the subject: Development of an information system "Licensing and registers" of CRС, in connection with the development  of an application software for the notification, authorization, licensing and registration activity with the aim of providing complex administrative services by electronic means to the citizens and the business”, in compliance with activities 2, 3, 4 и 5 from Supplement ІІ to the Contract А09-31-114-С/12.06.2009, concluded between CRС and  MA of ОPAC for execution of a project of Operational ProgrammeAdministrative capacity”, financed by the European social fund. The instructions for the applicants are specified in the documentation (available only in Bulgarian).
The publication of the documentation for participation in the public procurement order on the Internet site of CRС does not cancel the obligation of the companies, which intend to submit an offer for participation in the procedure to buy this documentation.
























19.11.2009 See more