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The Communications Regulation Commission adopted a draft Regulation on the rules for allocation and the procedures for primary and secondary assignment for use, reservation and withdrawal of numbers, addresses and names



The Communications Regulation Commission (The Commission) adopted a draft (text available only in Bulgarian) Regulation on the rules for allocation and the procedures for primary and secondary assignment for use, reservation and withdrawal of numbers, addresses and names (draft). The draft is adopted in compliance with the powers of the Commission, stipulated in Art.137 of the Law on electronic communications (LЕС).


Before the adoption of the Law on amendment and supplement of LЕС (promulgated SG No.17/ 2009), the powers for issuing the stated regulation have been attributed to the State Agency for Information Technologies and Communications (SAITC) and in this respect CRС is adopting a new regulation. Insofar some substantial amendments are envisaged compared to the Regulation No.7 now in force, adopted by SAITC, they concern the following:


The draft identifies more detailed rules concerning the secondary assignment of numbers. In such a way utmost clear rules are created regarding the rights and obligations from the point of view of providing public telephone service and the use of the scarce resource - numbers. An amendment is introduced, giving the possibility for provision of directory enquiry services, in addition to the provided information for a subscriber telephone number. This amendment broadens the possibilities for access tо enquiry services making use of easily recognizable numbers. Furthermore amendments are introduced with the draft concerning the terms and conditions for provision of value added services. The amendments achieve on the one hand maximum protection of the consumer interests from the point of view of possibilities for prior and clear information on the price of the service used. On the other hand the introduced amendments shall eliminate all possible obstacles for the non-geographic numbers portability, used for provision of value added services.


In accordance with the provisions of Art.137, in connection with Art. 36 of LЕС, the Commission opens procedure of public consultation and the draft regulation is published on the Internet site of the Commission - The interested parties can send their written comments within 30 days from the date of the present publication to the following address: Sofia, 6, Gurko street, Communications Regulation Commission.