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ERGP Contact Network meeting


The first for this year Contact Network meeting of ERGP (European Regulators Group for Postal Services) was held on 26 May in Sofia under the chairmanship of CRC.


At the meeting the European Commission’s representatives informed the participants about the published proposal of the European Parliament and of the Council for a Regulation on cross-border parcel delivery services and a discussion paper on the ERGP Mid-term strategy.


The chairs of the subgroups reported on the progress in their work and the future activities:


I.  Working group on ERGP Medium term Strategy (AGCOM - Italy);


II. Sub-group on regulatory accounting/price regulation (OFCOM – Great Britain, ANCOM - Romania);


III. Sub-group on Implementation and evolution of the universal service obligation (USO) (PTS - Sweden, AGCOM – Italy);


IV. Sub-group on End user satisfaction and monitoring of market outcome with 2 work streams:


1.     Quality of service, complaint handling and consumer protection 2015 - an analysis of trends (BIPT – Belgium);

2.     Core indicators for monitoring the European postal market – an analysis of trends  (ANACOM - Portugal);


V. Sub-group on cross-border e-commerce parcels delivery (BNetzA – Germany, ARCEP - France);


VI. Sub-group on End-to-end Competition and Access regulation (BNetzA - Germany, RRT - Lithuania).


Information was presented during the meeting about the forthcoming 10-th ERGP Plenary meeting in Bulgaria, the timetable for elaborating a draft Work Programme for 2017 and the forthcoming stakeholder workshop on the ERGP Mid-term Strategy in Bulgaria.


The meeting ended with discussion on the future meetings in 2016.