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By Decisions No. 165 and No. 166 of 15 March 2016 CRC launched public consultation procedures on draft Decisions on definition of cost-oriented call termination rates at a fixed location on individual public telephone networks and individual mobile networks for the period 2016-2020


By Decisions No. 165 and No. 166 of 15 March 2016 CRC launched public consultation procedures on draft Decisions on definition of cost-oriented call termination rates at a fixed location on individual public telephone networks and individual mobile networks for the period 2016-2020. The draft Decisions determine the values of the cost-oriented rates that CRC intends to continue/impose as specific obligations under the draft decisions for the third round analyses of the wholesale markets for call termination on individual public telephone networks and individual mobile networks provided at a fixed location (public consultation procedures launched by Decisions No. 41 and No. 44 of 28 January 2016).


The rates are determined in accordance with Recommendation 2009/396/EC of the European Commission and are calculated by adapted CRC’s BULRIC (Bottom-Up Long-Run Incremental Costs) models.


The draft decisions and the adapted BULRIC models for backbone fixed and mobile networks in Bulgaria are submitted for comments by the stakeholders and are published on the CRC’s website under the section „Public consultations”.