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The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) is carrying out an inquiry on the satisfaction of both natural and legal persons with the administrative service provided by the CRC. The inquiry aims to ensure better, faster and efficient administrative service


The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) is carrying out an inquiry on the satisfaction of both natural and legal persons with the administrative service provided by the CRС. The inquiry aims to ensure better, faster and efficient administrative service.

Please submit your input by filling-in the questionnaire, prepared for the purposes of the inquiry.

The questionnaire is available as a hard copy at the CRС premises (Sofia, 6 Gurko str.) next to the office servicing the consumers of administrative services, at the CRC check-point as well as on the CRC’s website  under the section „For consumers”, subsection „Anketi”.

You can fill-in the questionnaire on the CRC’s website. You may submit the questionnaire filled-in as a hard copy in the special boxes for this purpose at the CRС premises (at the check-point and next to the office servicing the consumers of administrative services).