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CRC notifies all consumers concerning the use of short-range devices on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria


In connection to the increased number of registered radio interference caused by the use of short range devices, operating in the frequency bands of lawfully authorized users, the Communications Regulation Commission notifies all users that:


Only "CE" marked electronic communications and radio devices must be used and distributed on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, which shows that the devices have met the required standards (e.g. harmfulness of the used materials, electrical and fire safety, radio frequency interference). Using non- "CE" marked devices is illegal and users generating harmful interference are subject to sanctions under Law on Electronic Communications.


The permitted frequency band for wireless DECT-type devices on the territory of Bulgaria (according to the "National Plan for Radio Spectrum Allocation") is 1880-1900 MHz. Imported devices from outside Europe (e.g. USA and Canada) operate in other bands (1900-1920 MHz, 1910-1930 MHz) and their usage in the country is illegal which makes their users to be subject to sanctions under the Law on Electronic Communications /LEC/: a fine of 5,000 to 15,000 BGN according to Art. 330 of the LEC is constituted.


          “Baby phone” type of devices (audio, video, digital or analogue) imported from outside of the European Union operate in frequency bands, which are not allocated for the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. Their use creates interference and their users are subject to sanctions under the Law on Electronic Communications /LEC/: a fine of 5,000 to 15,000 BGN is constituted according to Art. 330 of the LEC.


          Use of GSM jammers, engineered to block the radio signals of other radio equipment by transmitting radio signals in the same frequency bands is prohibited on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. Within the European Union jammers can not be placed on the market, even less so engaged into action, as recommended by CEPT ECC/REC/(03)04 and ECC/REC/(04)01. Recommendations to prohibit jammers (ECC/REC/(04)01 and ECC/REC/(03) 04) are in force in the country since 01.09.2009.  According to Art. 328 of the LEC creating interferences in the public electronic network (which are namely the mobile networks) is subject to administrative prosecution and users are subject to sanctions under the Law on Electronic Communications /LEC/: a fine of 200 to 2 000 BGN is constituted.