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Bulgaria and Moldova signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of electronic communications regulation



On March 12th 2014 the Chairman of the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) Mr. Veselin Bozhkov, PhD and Mr. Grigore Varanita – Director of the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), Moldova, signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the two regulatory authorities.


The main goal of this Memorandum of  Understanding is to create the framework of cooperation and exchange of information between the Parties, in compliance with their obligations and within their competencies, in the area of regulation and supervision of the electronic communications activities.


The cooperation shall encourage mainly the exchange of information regarding the legislation, applicable to the electronic communications, exchange of experience concerning regulation and consultations in these areas.


The Parties expect this cooperation to support their regulatory activities, which aim at promoting competition in the area of electronic communications and protecting the interests of end consumers in compliance with the best international and European practices.


The initiative is a continuation of the policy of the Communications Regulation Commission for interaction with the national regulators of the countries in the region and EU.