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The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) launches a public consultation procedure under Art. 37 of the Law on Electronic Communications on a draft Reference Interconnection Offer (Reference Offer) submitted by Bulgarian Telecommunications Company EAD (BTC) and the CRC’s position for amendment of the same


The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) launches a public consultation procedure under Art. 37 of the Law on Electronic Communications on a draft Reference Offer submitted by Bulgarian Telecommunications Company AD (BTC) and the CRC’s position for amendment of the same. The elaborated by CRC position, which is in the form of a draft decision for giving binding instructions for amendment of the Reference Offer, aims to ensure an effective implementation of the imposed on  BTC specific obligations.


The drafts Decision and Reference Offer are published on the Commission’s website under the section „Public consultation”.


The interested parties may send their written statements within 45 days of the date of this publication to the following address: Sofia, Gurko 6, Str., Communications Regulation Commission.