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CRC opened a procedure for selection of a contractor for the following contract: "Awareness and Publicity" on project implementation under OPAC


By its Decision No 534 of 1 August 2013 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) opened a procedure under Chapter 8a of the Law on public procurement for selection of a contractor by collection and review of proposals for contract with the subject: "Awareness and Publicity", in accordance with activity No2 of Annex II to contract № ЦА12-22-4/10.07.2013, signed between the CRC and the Managing Authority (MA) of OPAC for implementation of a project under Operational Programme "Administrative Capacity", financed by the European Social Fund.

Guidelines for applicants are available in the technical requirements.Proposals are accepted every business day between 10:00 and 17:30 at CRC’s registry: Sofia, 6 Gurko str., office 201, until 19 August 2013.


Contact person: Iskra Simeonova – Communications Regulation Commission, 6 Gurko str., tel: 949 2949, e-mail: