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CRC held a regular meeting with the mobile operators and reiterated its call for correct attitude towards the Bulgarian consumers


On 28 February 2013 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) organized and held a regular meeting with the three mobile operators Mobiltel EAD, Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile EAD and BTC AD as well as the Society for Electronic Communications (SEC) which represents the majority of the alternative undertakings in the field of electronic communications.


The objective of the meeting was to discuss the problems in the sector, issues related to the operations of the telecoms and their relations with the consumers. 


The main topics of the meeting were related to the difficulties of the subscribers in terms of accessibility and clarity of the individual contracts, the non-provision of detailed information on the relevant tariff or bundle services and failure to provide the users with access to the general conditions of the undertakings. 


Another important topic, discussed at the meeting, was the scanning of citizen signatures when signing contracts with operators. The Chairman of CRC, Veselin Bozhkov, PhD, was unconditional that such a practice involves manipulation of the subscriber’s data and signature. The regulator required undertakings to provide the subscribers with their individual contracts obligatory on paper. .


In relation to decisions already adopted by the Commission attention was paid to the fact that one of the undertakings failed to comply with CRC’s binding instructions for the “credit limit”.


The Chairman of CRC stressed that the Commission’s mission and main goal has always been to ensure conditions for the development of an effective market competition and environment where consumers can make an informed choice of services and full exercise of their rights. As a regulatory authority for the provision of electronic communications and in view of protecting the public interest, CRC reiterated its call to the operators to observe the law and for correct and responsible attitude towards the Bulgarian consumers.