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Three companies announced intentions for participation in the forthcoming contest for construction of a digital television network in Bulgaria


With its decision No 2221 of 19.12.2012 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) announced an intention to conduct a contest for issuing one authorisation for use of individually assigned scarce resource – radio frequency spectrum for carrying out electronic communications through electronic communications network for digital terrestrial television broadcasting with national coverage. 


Within the deadline – until 17:30 h. on 10.01.2013 the companies DVBT AD, BULSATCOM AD and DINAMICS EOOD filed their applications. The intentions that were received at the Commission by post and have a postmark with a date until 10.01.2013 will be also taken into account. 


Given the announced interest and due to the fact that the candidates are more than one, it is forthcoming the CRC to take a decision for announcement of a contest procedure. Companies which have not announced explicitly their intentions before the regulator may also participate in the future contest.