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With Decision No 2033 of 11.10.2012 the Communications Regulation Commission launched a public consultation procedure under the art. 36 of the Law on electronic communications on draft documents regarding the “Methodology for determination the value of the weighted average cost of capital”, “Results of the application of the model for core fixed network for the services call origination/termination on public telephone networks provided at a fixed location and provided by an effective operator” and “Results of the application of the model for mobile network for the service termination on individual mobile networks provided by an effective operator”


With Decision No 2033 of 11.10.2012 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) adopted draft documents regarding the “Methodology for determination the value of the weighted average cost of capital”, “Results of the application of the fixed core network model for the services calls origination/termination on public telephone networks provided at a fixed location and provided by an effective operator” and “Results of the application of the mobile network model for the service termination on individual mobile networks provided by an effective operator”.


The above-listed documents are based on documents which are under public consultation, as they include the opinions of the undertakings adopted by CRC. The documents regarding the results of the application of the fixed and mobile network models for the services call origination/termination on public telephone networks provided at a fixed location and for termination on individual mobile networks are limited to the scenarios for provision of the indicated services by an effective operator as the requirements for protection of trade secrets are kept.


The draft documents are presented for consultation with the stakeholders and are published on the Commission’s website under the section “Public consultation”.