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The Communications Regulation Commission adopted a final decision regarding the retail market for leased lines, market of wholesale terminating segments of leased lines and market of wholesale trunk segments of leased lines


On 27 September 2012 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) adopted a final decision on the definition, analysis and assessment of the retail market for leased lines, market of wholesale terminating segments of leased lines and market of wholesale trunk segments of leased lines in the Republic of Bulgaria in conformity with the EU Regulatory framework.


With Decision No 1954 of 27.09.2012 the CRC defined the submarket of wholesale terminating segments of leased lines with speeds up to and including 8 Mbit/s as a market susceptible to ex ante regulation. On the grounds of analysis and assessment concerning the presence of effective competition, the CRC designated the Bulgarian Telecommunication Company AD as an undertaking having significant market power on the relevant submarket and imposed on it concrete specific obligations.


In the CRC’s final decision the results from the conducted public consultations with the stakeholders have been reflected, as well as the opinions of the Commission for Protection of Competition and the received by the European Commission (EC) recommendations after the market notification have been taken into account.


With the adoption of the CRC’s final decision the regulatory measures are immediately enforceable.


The final decision, the enclosed to it market analysis together with the summarized results from the conducted with the Commission for Protection of Competition and EC public consultations have been published under the section “Market Regulation – electronic communications”, section “Final decisions adopted by the CRC as a result of the first round definition, analysis and assessment of the relevant markets for electronic communications”.