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With Decision No 1836 of 09.08.2012 the Communications Regulation Commission launched a public consultation procedure under the article 36 of the Law on electronic communications on a draft Methodology for the terms and procedure of relevant markets definition, analysis and assessment, and criteria for designating undertakings with significant market power


With Decision No 1836 of 09.08.2012 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) adopted a draft Methodology for the terms and procedure of relevant markets definition, analysis and assessment, and criteria for designating undertakings with significant market power (the Methodology).


The draft Methodology is elaborated by the CRC in co-ordination with the Commission for Protection of Competition according to the amendments in the Law on electronic communications, in force from 29.12.2011, and in line with the general principles of the competition law and in conformity with the EU law.


The draft Methodology is presented for consideration to the stakeholders and is published on the Commission’s website under the section “Public consultation”.