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The Information System “Licenses and registers” of the CRC is awarded by OPAC as “good practice”


The System "Licenses and registers" through which the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) offers 39 online services on its portal is included in the catalogue "Good Practices under the Operational Programme  “Administrative Capacity”. The excellent estimation, given by the OPAC for the CRC project is due to the achieved maximum ease of access of citizens and businesses to complex administrative services electronically related to the notification, authorization, licensing and registration activities of the regulator.


The CRC project has won also the prestigious international award for achievements in the use of the modern IT technologies in business and administration "Diskobolos" 2011. The System "Licenses and registers" is included in the competitive catalogues of the European Institute of Public Administration and the International Telecommunication Union.


The new platform consists of two main components: a publicly accessible website consisting of Portal for electronic filing of applications and notifications and Public registers, and internal operating system, between which is ensured full coordination, permitting timely update of the registers. The website allows registration and authorization of the users, after which they can process and control electronically the filed to the CRC documents. Through the information system is provided an opportunity for check up of filed by the undertakings applications/notifications, as well as tracking the process of processing the documents in the CRC. Using the new platform, the users can now pay fees electronically, using tariff calculator to quickly and easy calculate the amounts due. The system facilitates also the work of the experts from CRC through automation of the processing of applications.


The development and introduction of the new platform is entirely funded by OPAC, co-financed by the EU and the European Social Fund, as the technical implementation is from the company "Technologica" EAD.


The requirements and the way for use of the portal can be found at: