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The Communications Regulation Commission started cooperation with the higher education


The Commission signed Memorandums for cooperation with the University of National and World Economy and the College of Telecommunications and Post  



On  May 16th, 2012 the Chairman of the CRC, Dr. Veselin Bozhkov, signed Memorandums for cooperation with the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) and the Higher School College of Telecommunications and Post (HS CTP). On the side of the educational institutions the documents were signed by the Rector of the UNWE - Prof. D. Sc. (Econ.) Statty Statev and the Rector of the HS CTP Prof. D. Eng. Ivan Kurtev.


By signing the memorandums, foundations for effective relations and mechanism for interaction between the higher education and the national regulatory authority in the area of electronic communications and the postal services are laid. Considering the necessity of common practical cooperation on the sector issues, exchange of information, lecturers in the field of electronic communications and postal services, as well as enabling the participation of students from both of the higher educational institutions in the internship program of the CRC are foreseen.


The significance of enhancing the students’ practical skills and the importance of popularizing the European and national rules for regulation of the communications markets were stressed. The main priority of the young specialists oriented towards this sector should be both technological innovation and best world practices in the market development that will help Bulgaria win recognition as a modern European state.