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With Decision No 621 of 05.04.2012, the Communications Regulation Commission launched a public consultation procedure on a draft Ordinance on amendment and supplement to Ordinance No 6 of 13.03.2008 on the requirements and parameters of the universal service quality, the special measures for people with disabilities and the order for selection of undertakings providing public electronic communications networks and/or services, and for imposition of the obligation for universal service provision


With Decision No 621 of 05.04.2012, the Communications Regulation Commission launched a public consultation procedure on a draft Ordinance on amendment and supplement to Ordinance No 6 of 13.03.2008 on the requirements and parameters of the universal service quality, the special measures for people with disabilities and the order for selection of undertakings providing public electronic communications networks and/or services, and for imposition of the obligation for universal service provision. The changes in the secondary legislation reflect the amendments of the Law on Electronic Communications, in force from 29.12.2011.


The draft CRC’s Decision is provided for consultation to the interested parties and is published on the CRC’s website under the section “Public consultation”.