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The Communications Regulation Commission has started inspections for illegal broadcasting


In connection with received signals for unauthorized emissions in the range for UHF-FM broadcasting, the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) has started carrying out inspections. Further control and inspection of the radio frequency spectrum is carried out both in working days and holidays. With the help of the National Monitoring System, constructed by the CRC, permanent and effective monitoring of the radio frequency spectrum on the territory of the whole country is provided.


The CRC regulates and controls carrying out electronic communications in accordance with the Law on Electronic Communications (LEC). The control is directed at keeping the requirements for the radio frequencies use, ensuring correct operation and equality of legitimate spectrum users, as well as ensuring quality of the provided services to the end users.


According to the LEC, terrestrial broadcasting on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria is carried out only after issuance of an authorization by the CRC for use of individually assigned scarce resource. The envisaged sanctions in the Law for the violators are between BGN 30 000 and 300 000.