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The New CRC Information System “Licesnising&Registers” with prestigious international award “Discobolos” for 2011


The project of the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC)  for development of information system “Licensing and registers”, funded by the Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” (OPAC), was awarded  the special recognition at the International Competition "Diskobolos" for 2011.


The prestigious awards have been bestowed since 1995 to the most successful achievements in the use of modern IT technologies in business and administration. Among the organizers and the jury are representatives of the Council of European Professional Information Societies - CEPIS, the European Chamber of Commerce - EEIG, the Serbian Association of Information Technology - JISA, regional chambers of commerce, prominent IT experts.



The new information system of the CRC now provides 39 electronic administrative services in compliance with the Law on electronic communications, Law on postal services and Law on e-document and e-signature. With entry into force of the system "Licensing and registers" the Commission presents a new, adequate to the requirements of the EU, way of communication with citizens and businesses by facilitating to the highest degree the access to public services and public databases. With the project Implementation the CRC became the first Bulgarian sector regulator, which brings the process of communication with businesses and citizens to a higher level of quality, observing the principles of modern e-government.


128 projects were registered this year for the competition "Diskobolos" awards  and 52 of them were nominated in 13 categories.


The CRC project "Licensing and registers" was honored in the category "Public services". The awards were presented on December 20, 2011 in Belgrade, Serbia.