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The CRC took a decision to issue three authorizations for use of radio frequency spectrum in the range 1800 MHz


“Max Telecom” OOD, “4G Com” EAD and “Bulsatcom” AD will provide electronic communications services in this range for a period of 10 years


In line with the Law on Electronic Communications (LEC) and following the policy of the EU for effective management of the radio frequency spectrum, the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) finalized the procedure by which it announced its intention to issue authorizations for use of 2 х 5 MHz and 2 х 8 MHz in the range 1800 MHz for carrying out public electronic communications through a mobile terrestrial network with a national coverage.


In the determined time-limit, intentions for issuance of authorizations by five undertakings have been received in the regulator, three of which confirmed their willingness to use the resource: “Max telecom” OOD (for use of resource of 2 x 8 MHz), “4G Com” EAD (for 2 x 8 MHz) and “Bulsatcom” AD (for 2 x 5 MHz). After an analysis showing that the announced free scarce resource is sufficient for use by all parties, which have filed their applications, the requests have been satisfied by the CRC. In connection with this, the Commission took a decision to issue to the three undertakings authorizations for carrying out public electronic communications through a mobile terrestrial network in the range 1800 MHz for a period of 10 years.


The range 1800 MHz might be used for a construction of GSM, UMTS, LTE and WiMAX mobile terrestrial networks. The choice of the type of network and the respective services is subject to a business strategy and a decision of the operators themselves. The practice shows that a priority for the operators in this range is the development of broadband technologies (UMTS, WiMAX, LTE and LTE Advanced) for a construction of the so called third and fourth generation (3G and 4G) networks. They allow much higher speeds for data transmission, which leads to a bigger variety of the services offered to the end user.