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By Decision No 1114 of 07.12.2011, the Communications Regulation Commission launched a second public consultation procedure on a Draft Decision on definition, analysis and assessment of the market of call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location and of the market of call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location as relevant markets susceptible to ex-ante regulation


By Decision No 859 of 01.09.2011, the CRC adopted a Draft Decision on definition, analysis and assessment of the market of call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location and of the market of call termination provided at a fixed location and launched a public consultation procedure. As a result of the conducted public consultation, opinions from the interested undertakings have been received, which raise a number of important questions regarding the proposed with the draft remedies and this led to a necessity of additional technological time for processing the results and accordingly for preparation of amended draft CRC’s decision. The Commission is of the opinion that the amendments in the draft are essential and this grounds the necessity for carrying out a new public consultation.


The draft CRC’s decision is provided for a second public consultation to the interested parties and is published on the CRC’s website under the section “Public consultation”.