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By decision No 1028 of 03.11.2011, the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) adopted a Draft Amendment to the General Requirements for provision of public electronic communications


By decision No 1028 of 03.11.2011, the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) adopted a Draft Amendment to the General Requirements for provision of public electronic communications. The Draft has been elaborated with a view to keep strictly the deadline for preparation of the CRC’s Annual Report, laid down in art.38, para. 1 of the Law on Electronic Communications (LEC), as well as with a view to comply with the deadlines and commitments of the CRC to the European Commission for provision of information with reference to elaboration of regular reports for the development of the single European market for electronic communications. The amendment in the Draft is related to the indicated in art.5 of the General requirements time-limit for provision by the undertakings to the CRC of a report for their activity in carrying out public electronic communications during the preceding year.


In conformity with the LEC and on the grounds of art.36 of the Law, the regulator launches a public consultation procedure.


The proposals and comments on the draft amendment to the General requirements for provision of public electronic communications, made within the deadline, will be considered by the CRC.