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The CRC organizes a round table on the problems of the consumers in their relations with the operators


With reference to the multiple complaints by the customers of electronic communication services, the Communications Regulation Commission initiated a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications, Transport, Information Technologies and Communications Committee to the National Assembly, Commission for Consumer Protection (CPC), Commission for Personal Data Protection (CPDP), mobile operators and the Society for Electronic Communications (SEC).


The main topics discussed were the number portability, the automatic contracts renewal with the operators, the delays in issuing invoices, the failure of the operators to notify the subscribers for reaching their credit limit, receiving of undesired SMS, disloyal practices in implementation of the remote commerce and improvement of the work of the personal data administrators.


The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the problems that the Bulgarian customers encounter in their relations with the operators and the ways to resolve them.


As a result of the discussion, proposals were also made for legislative changes directly related to the clauses for automatic contracts renewal, as well as for the provision of detailed bills by the undertakings. The participants in the meeting decided to establish a working group consisting of representatives of the CRC, CCP, mobile operators and SEC to specify the parameters, the ways, terms and conditions for removing the clauses for automatic contracts renewal with the subscribers.


On 15th of March 2011 begins to work a reception-room for citizens, in which representatives of the CRC, CCP, CPDP and the operators will consult the customers regarding specific problems encountered in their relations with the operators.


The discussion held, and the conclusions and the proposals made, place the grounds for the next stage of the dialogue with the customers of electronic communications services in which the regulators will continue to participate actively.