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The CRC obliged the three mobile operators to reduce the wholesale prices for incoming international voice calls


By its Decision No 320 of 24 March 2011, the Communications Regulation Commission (the CRC) imposed on “Mobiltel” EAD, “Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile” EAD and the “Bulgarian Telecommunication Company” AD an obligation to apply termination rate for the incoming international voice calls at 0.13 BGN per minute, as of 01st of April, 2011.


Thus is reached a reduction of the wholesale prices for international calls to the level of termination rates in national networks.


The economic analysis carried out by the regulator showed the existence of competition problems, expressed mainly in application of excessively high termination rates of international calls in comparison with the termination rates of national calls. Since there are no valid reasons for the difference in the tariffs and taking into account the circumstance that the established market behavior of the operators contradicts the European regulatory framework, the Commission took a decision to introduce regulation on these prices, as is the practice in the European Union.


The imposed price limits have the purpose to prevent potential competition problems on the relevant market until the acceptance of the second round analyses and assessment of the relevant markets of voice call termination on individual mobile networks.