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By Decision No 377 of 14.04.2011, the Communications Regulation Commission (the CRC) adopted a draft for amendment and supplement to the Tariff for the fees collectable by the CRC for 2011 under the Law on electronic communications (LEC)


By Decision No 377 of 14.04.2011, the Communications Regulation Commission (the CRC) adopted a draft for amendment and supplement to the Tariff for the fees collectable by the CRC for 2011 under the Law on electronic communications (LEC). The draft is elaborated with reference to the provisions of Chapter Eight of LEC and Decision No 626/2008/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30.06.2008. According to Decision No 626/2008/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30.06.2008, the selection and issuance of authorizations of operators of pan-European systems providing mobile satellite services (MSS) in the 2 GHz frequency band, are regulated. To the selected candidates: Inmarsat Ventures Limited and Solaris Mobile Limited are assigned frequency bands with width of 15 MHz, for Space to Earth communications and Earth to Space communications for each of them, as they are given the right to apply before the national regulatory authorities for a parallel use of the provided to them frequency bands for building of complementary ground component (Complementary Ground Component, CGC) with which to improve their coverage. In connection with the resulting from Decision No 626/2008/EC obligation for the CRC to issue authorizations to the selected candidates for use of integrated mobile satellite system, it is necessary to make an amendment to the Tariff for the fees, collectable by the CRC for 2011 under the LEC. The proposed amendments to the Tariff envisage inclusion of an one-off fee for issuance of an authorization, annual fee for use of individually assigned scarce resource and an annual fee for control for the above-stated system.



In accordance with the LEC and on the grounds of Art. 36, para. 1 and para. 2 of the Law, the regulator launches a public consultation procedure.


The proposals and comments made on the draft for amendment and supplement to the Tariff for the fees, collectable by the CRC for 2011 under LEC will be reviewed by the CRC.