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The Communications Regulation Commission already provides 39 e-services to the consumers and the businesses


The Communications Regulation Commission (the CRC) has finalized the project for development of an information system “Licensing and registers” elaborated under the Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” (OPAC) and already provides on its website 39 electronic administrative services under the LEC, PSA and LEDES.


The purpose of the new portal is to facilitate at maximum extent the access of the citizens and businesses to administrative electronic services related to the notification, authorization, licensing and registration activities of the CRC. This allows the Commission to be part of the modern e-government and it has become the first sector regulator, which brings the communication processes with businesses and citizens to a qualitative new level.


The system “Licensing and registers” is elaborated of two main components: a publicly accessible site and internal operational system between which a full coordination is ensured. The publicly accessible site consists of Portal for electronic submission of applications and notifications and Public Registers. It allows registration and authorization of the users for operation with the system, after which they may process the documents till the moment of their submission. The system provides a possibility for inquiries for entered applications/notifications, as well as tracing the documents processing in the CRC.


Through the new platform fees may be also paid electronically via the system ePay, as with the help of the tariff calculator the users receive information on the amounts due.


The elaboration of the new information system is entirely financed by OPAC, co-financed by the EU through the European Social Fund and the realization and its implementation are carried out by the company “Technologica” EAD.


As a result of the high estimation on the achieved results in elaboration of the system “Licensing and Registers”, the CRC has received an official invitation by “Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” Directorate to the Ministry of Finance fro participation in the competition “European Public Sector Award 2011”. The project of the Bulgarian regulator will be also included in the catalogue of the European Institute for Public Administration (EIPA) for 2011.


The requirements and the instructions for using the portal you may find on: