The CRC announced an auction for authorization for use of the radio frequency spectrum in the 2 GHz range
By its Decision No 931 of 27 September 2011, the Communications Regulation Commission (the CRC) announced an auction with negotiated bidding for granting an authorization for use of individually assigned scarce resource – radio frequency spectrum for the carrying out public electronic communications through a mobile terrestrial network – UMTS with national coverage, using individually assigned scarce resource of radio frequency spectrum – 2 x 15 MHz (FDD) in the 2 GHz range for a period of 15 (fifteen) years.
The initial auction price is determined in conformity with the Tariff for the fees collectable by the CRC at BGN 49 500 000 (forty nine million and five hundred thousand) and the deposit for participation in the auction is BGN 2 000 000 (two million).
The price of the set auction documents is BGN 4 000 (four thousand), as the same may be bought after the promulgation of the decision in the State Gazette, till 21-st of October 2011. Applications for participation in the auction may be filed until 17:00 h. on 14-th of November 2011.The auction will be held on 7-th of December 2011 in Sofia, at the CRC’s premises, 11 Slaveykov sqr.
The full text of the decision is published under the section “CRC Decisions” on the CRC’s website