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The CRC announces intention to issue an authorization for use of radio frequency spectrum in the range 1800 MHz. The range is intended for construction of GSM, UMTS, LTE and WiMAX mobile terrestrial networks


By Decisions No 953 and 954 of 6 October 2011, the Communications Regulation Commission announces intention to issue authorizations for use of radio frequency spectrum in the range 1800 MHz. The decisions of the Commission are in conformity with the provisions of the Law on electronic communications (LEC) and follow the policy of the European Union for effective management of the radio frequency spectrum. The procedure is initiated as a result of received applications for carrying out public electronic communications through a mobile terrestrial network by “BULSATCOM” AD and “MAX TELECOM” OOD using respectively 2 x 15 MHz and 2 x 8 MHz in the range 1800 MHz.


The indicated range according to the current regulations may be used for construction of GSM, UMTS, LTE and WiMAX mobile terrestrial networks. The selection of the type of network and corresponding services is subject to a business strategy and decision of the investor who eventually will take part in the procedure.


It is forthcoming to publish an announcement for the CRC’s intention to issue authorizations for use of radio frequency spectrum in the range 1800 MHz on the authority’s website, in a national daily newspaper, as well as in the State Gazette. All interested undertakings will have the possibility to file applications for use of this spectrum within 21 days from the date of the publishing of the announcement in the daily newspaper.


In case that in the indicated deadline no other applications are received, the regulator will grant the free radio frequency spectrum to the operators who initially expressed their interest on it.In the event of additional interest and in case that the available free resource is insufficient for use by all persons who have filed application, the CRC will announce a contest procedure.On the same meeting, the CRC announced also an intention to issue an authorization for use of radio frequency spectrum for carrying out electronic communications through a network for broadband wireless access (BWA) using 40 MHz in the range 3,5 GHz. The CRC’s Decision No 956/2011 is a result of received by “BULGARIA CONNECT” EAD application for granting an authorization for use of radio frequency spectrum in the range 3,5 GHz.


The use of this spectrum is subordinate to the principle for technological neutrality, which allows the undertakings to determine on their own the technology, which they will use for construction of their networks. Currently, the undertakings with active authorizations in the range 3,5GHz use the technology WiMAX for carrying out electronic communications and provision of electronic communication networks.


Most generally, the services provided by the undertakings in this frequency band should be directed to the provision of broadband access to end users, as their particular type depends on the selected technology. The significant increase in the WiMAX speeds currently, for example, enables applications such as fast Internet access, video, video-conferencing, VoIP, etc., either through fixed and through mobile access.


As a result of the initiated procedure, the next CRC’s actions will be identical to the indicated for the range 1800 MHz