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The Communications Regulation Commission adopted a draft amendment to the National Numbering Plan


The Communications Regulation Commission (the Commission, CRC), by Decision No 1164/21.10.2010, adopted a draft Decision for amendment to the National Numbering Plan (draft). The proposed in the draft changes for the National Numbering Plan (NNP) are in pursuance of § 5, para. 1 of the Transitional and Final Provisions of Ordinance No 1 of 22.07.2010 for the rules for allocation and procedures on primary and secondary provision for use, reservation and withdrawal of numbers, addresses and names (the Ordinance).


The amendments of the NNP comprise the reservation for future use of codes, the purpose of which is not specifically defined in the Ordinance or are released, as well as with an alignment of the terminology in accordance with the Ordinance. Also, with this amendment, the length of nationally used significant numbers in several regions is made in line with the changes, resulting from the digitization of the network of “Bulgarian Telecommunications Company” AD.


In accordance with art. 36 of the LEC, the Commission launches a public consultation procedure and the draft is published on the Internet site of the CRC – The interested parties can send their written comments within 30 days from the date of the present publication to the following address: Sofia, 6, Gurko street, Communications Regulation Commission and to e-mail address