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The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC/the Commission) by Decision No 1119 of 18.10.2010 launched a public consultation procedure on a draft Decision for determination, analysis and assessment of the market for provision of (physical) wholesale access to the network infrastructure (including full and shared unbundled access) and of the market for wholesale broadband access



The draft is published on the CRC’s webpage under the section "Public consultation".


The analysis of the relevant markets covers the period 2007 - 2009. The findings of the analysis indicate that there is no effective competition (in place) on the relevant markets, which allows the CRC to impose, continue and modify specific obligations/remedies as regards the undertaking with significant market power “Bulgarian Telecommunications Company” AD (BTC). The Commission proposes the regulation on the access to the passive infrastructure (underground duct network) owned by the incumbent to be continued as well according to the grounds which have been given in the draft analysis.


The CRC considers that the regulatory intervention on the relevant markets will ensure predictability, transparency and non-discrimination when using services for wholesale access provided by BTC and in this way conditions for effective competition on the relevant markets will be created and the consumers’ interests will be protected as well.