The Communications Regulation Commission adopted amendments and supplements to the functional specifications for numbers portability

The Communications Regulation Commission adopted a draft on amendments to the Functional Specifications (FS) for geographic numbers portability in case of changing the fixed telephone service provider and/or changing the address within one geographic national code for direction.
The proposed amendments and supplements to the FS aim at repealing certain provisions, the implementation of which creates opportunities for preventing the process of number portability in fixed networks.
In accordance with the provisions of art. 134, para. 3 in connection with art. 36, para. 1 and para. 2 of the Law on Electronic Communications, the Commission launched a procedure for public consultation, and the draft for amendments and supplements to the FS is published on the Commission website The interested persons may send their written comments within 30 days from the date of the present publication at the following address:
Sofia, 6, Gurko Str., Communications Regulation Commission
and the Internet address