The Minister of Interior issued an ordinance for authorization of officials under art. 250e, para. 2 of the LEC

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According to art. 250e, para. 2 of the Law on electronic communications (LEC), the undertakings, providing public electronic communication networks and/or services, in the shortest possible term, but not later than 72 hours after receiving the injunction for provision of access under art. 250c, para. 1 and art. 251, para. 2, shall send the data, which is stored for the purposes of the detection and investigation of serious crimes and crimes under art. 319a – 319f of the Criminal Code, as well as for tracing down persons, to the official under art. 250c, para. 2, item 3 of the LEC. The Minister of Interior or officials, authorized by him in writing, may determine a concrete term, within which the data should be sent.
In pursuance of the given legal requirement, the Minister of Interior has issued an Ordinance, by means of which authorizes officials under art. 250e, para. 2 of the LEC.