Six candidates have submitted applications for participation in the second contest for the development of digital television networks in Bulgaria

Six candidates have submitted applications to participate in the contest for issuing authorisations for provision of electronic communications via digital television network for the second phase of digitization plan set by the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) within the deadline - May 27, 2009.
Applications have submitted: Interactive Media Services OOD; Bulsatkom AD; Hannu Pro Bulgaria EAD; Tauarkom Bulgaria EAD; Adept OOD; Tesla Bulgaria OOD.
With decisions No 358 and No 360 of 8 April 2009 the CRC has announced two unattended contests for issuing authorizations for provision of electronic communications through national digital television networks for the first and second stage of the digitalization accordingly. Six candidates have also applied for the first contest.
The names of candidates for both procedures are published in public records posted on the Internet site of the CRC.