CRC has notified the EC of six retail market analyses
The Communications Regulation Commission (CRС) has notified the European Commission (EC) of six draft retail market analyses, as follows:
- Access to the public telephone network at a fixed location for residential customers;
- Access to public telephone network at a fixed location for non-residential customers;
- Publicly available national telephone services provided at a fixed location for residential customers;
- Publicly available international telephone services provided at a fixed location for residential customers;
- Publicly available national telephone services provided at a fixed location for non-residential customers;
- Publicly available international telephone services provided at a fixed location for non-residential customers.
The drafts presented reflect the results of the public consultation carried out. It is expected that in one-month period the EC will provide its opinion on the analyses, followed by the adoption of CRC final decision for entry into force of the remedies. The obligations foreseen apply to a two-year future period; afterwards the markets are subject to a second round review.
The draft analyses notified together with the summary of the results of the public consultation have been published in the Public consultation section.