CRC announces two contests for the development of national digital television networks in Bulgaria

Procedures start on May 14 and June 2 in the premises of the Commission, the deadline for buying contest documentation is April 29.
Two unattended contests for issuing authorisations for the provision of electronic communications through national digital television networks for the first and second phase of the Plan for digitalization, were announced by the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) with Decisions No 358 (link) and No 360 (link).
CRC launches the procedures in conformity with its powers under the Law on Electronic Communications, the commitments of Republic of Bulgaria for the introduction of digital television by the end of 2012 and after strong interest for participation in the upcoming contests was demonstrated within the deadline set by the regulator. Fifteen Bulgarian and foreign companies have declared their intentions to participate in the contests within the two-weeks deadline.
Candidates are required to have experience in providing public electronic communications and to have realized an annual turnover of over 5 million for 2008. Legal and natural persons - radio or television operators and owners of network for radio and television programs broadcasting in Bulgaria are not allowed to participate in the contests.
The documentation for both contests can be purchased from the CRC until April 29, 2009 c.o.b. The price of the document set is BGN 4 000.
The deadline for submitting applications for participation in the contest for the first phase of digitalization is up to 5.00 pm on May 12, 2009, and for Phase II – up to May 27, 2009. Candidates willing to apply should submit a deposit for participation in the contests at the amount of BGN 144 000 and BGN 216 000 respectively.
The contests will start on May 14, 2009 and June 2, 2009 at 10.00 am at the CRC premises. They will be carried out according to the procedure described in "Rules for carrying out the contest”, which are a part of the contest documentation.