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Fifteen undertakings have declared their intentions to participate in the upcoming contests for the development of digital television networks in Bulgaria



Fifteen undertakings have declared their intentions to participate in the forthcoming procedures for authorization for the implementation of electronic communications through national digital television networks before the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) until the deadline - 5:30 p.m. on Friday.


Nine of them apply for participation in both procedures, for the first and second stage respectively; four of them only apply for the first stage and two undertakings – only for participation in the second stage of the process.


Applications received at the CRC by post bearing a date stamp of 3rd of April 2009 (Friday) will also be taken into consideration.


Following the order of submission of the applications, intentions have declared "Alcatel-Lucent" Bulgaria EOOD (1st and 2nd stage), "Interactive Technologies" AD (1st), "Tesla-Bulgaria" EOOD (1st and 2nd), "Bulsatcom" AD (1st and 2nd), "Hannu-Pro"(1st and 2nd), Bulgaria brodcasting" (1st and 2nd), ORS-Austria (1st and 2nd), Plisch-Germany (2nd), Spinner Austria Gmbh (1st) "Osterayhishe rundunkzender" (1st and 2nd), "Techno-Bulgaria" OOD (1st), DTT "Technology Investments" GmbH (1st), BTC AD (1st and 2nd), "rime House" OOD (1st and 2nd) and Alpine-Energy osterai"(2nd).


By Decisions No 238 and No 239 of March 20, 2009 CRC announced its intention to carry out two contest procedures for authorizing the provision of electronic communications through national digital television networks.


At the first stage is foreseen the issue of one authorization granting rights of use of individually assigned scarce resource – radio frequency spectrum for the provision of electronic communications through two digital television networks, and аt the second stage – authorizations for three digital television networks.


Pursuant to the provisions of § 5a, para. 2 of the Transitional and Final Provisions of the LEC contest procedures should be opened simultaneously.


Given the expressed interest and the fact that the number of candidates is greater than the number of licenses to be issued in both phases, the CRC is to decide on announcing contest procedures.


In the future contest undertakings that have not explicitly stated their intentions to the CRC could also take part.