CRС opens public consultations on the BTC draft Reference Unbundling Offer

The Communications Regulation Commission (CRС) opens a procedure for public consultations in connection with the submitted by the „Bulgarian Telecommunication Company” АD (BTC) draft Reference Offer for concluding a contract for unbundled access to the subscriber’s line.
The company is obliged to bring the Reference Offer in compliance with the provisions of the adopted at the beginning of 2009 Regulation No.1 on the terms and conditions for access and interconnection. The obligation continues to stem for BTC АD from § 7 of the Transitional and conclusive provisions of the Law on Electronic Communications /LЕС/.
According to LЕС the CRС has powers to give instructions for amendment in the submitted draft. In order to comply to a maximum extent with the requirements for transparency and predictability in the actions of the regulator, the commission submits to public consultations both the full text of the draft and its own position in the form of instructions on the draft.
The BTC draft and the CRС position are published in the section „Public consultation” on the Internet site of the Commission:
The interested parties can send their written comments by 07.12.2009 at the latest to the following address: Sofia, 6 Gurko street, Communications Regulation Commission.