The Summit on “International Perspectives on Investment and Competition” began
The CRC chairman Ivan Dimitrov participates in the summit, which takes place today, 02 October 2019, in the town of Hersonissos, island of Crete, Greece, under the title “International Perspectives on Investment and Competition”. The forum is jointly organized by BEREC (Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications), the European Mediterranean Regulators Group (EMERG), the Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network (EaPeReg) and the Forum of Telecommunications Regulatory Authorities of Latin America (REGULATEL - El Foro Latinoamericano de Entes Reguladores de Telecomunicaciones) – BEREC-EMERG-EaPeReg-REGULATEL. The heads of national regulatory authorities are discussing the factors for deployment of Very High Capacity Networks (VHCN), the competition policy and the governments’ involvement.
Immediately after the summit the CRC chairman will take part in the 47th General Assembly of the Independent Regulators Group (IRG), the 40th plenary meeting of the BEREC Board of Regulators and the plenary meeting of the Management Board of the BEREC Office.
The Board of Regulators will discuss which of the new priorities in the area of digital economy and society of the newly composed European Commission are relevant to BEREC, how BEREC has to respond to those and what high level communications should be sent to the stakeholders.
The Plenary meeting shall hold elections for 2021 BEREC chairman and 2020 vice chairmen.
In accordance with the BEREC 2019 work program the Plenary meeting is expected to adopt and publish for public consultations the following documents: draft BEREC 2020 work program; draft BEREC feasibility study on development of coverage information for 5G deployments; draft update to the BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation of the Open Internet Regulation (Regulation (ЕU) 2015/2120); draft BEREC Guidelines on common approaches to the identification of the network termination point in different network topologies; draft BEREC Guidelines to assist NRAs on the consistent application of geographical surveys of network deployments; draft BEREC Guidelines detailing QoS parameters of IAS and publicly available ICS and the publication of information.
The objectives of the BEREC activity are the same as those of the national regulatory authorities – promoting competition, facilitating the development of the internal market and protecting the interests of the European Union citizens. More specifically BEREC contributes to the development and better functioning of the internal market in the electronic communications sector through ensuring the consistent implementation of the Regulatory Framework, using the expertise of the national regulatory authorities, encouraging the cooperation between them and with the European Commission. It provides also consultative advice to the European Commission, the European Parliament and the EU Council at request.