The Electronic Communications Committee (ЕСС) took in Sofia important decisions defining the future of 5G in Europe
The 51-st plenary meeting of the Electronic Communications Committee (ЕСС) concluded its work on the 5th of July. The forum hosted by the Communications Regulation Commission took place in the city of Sofia from the 2nd to the 5th of July.
Representatives of 33 administrations from the member countries of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), as well as 9 observer organizations, including the European Commission (EC), the European Communications Office (ЕСО), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), equipment manufacturers, etc., took part in the event.
A number of important decisions have been taken at the Sofia meeting, part of which define the future introduction of 5G in Europe. After long discussions ЕСС adopted finally the amendment of ECC Decision (05)05 on „Harmonized utilization of spectrum for mobile/fixed communications networks (MFCN), operating within the band 2500-2690 MHz“. The current amendment of Decision (05)05 aims at reflecting the development of technologies, more specifically of 5G, which requires the introduction of Active Antenna Systems (AAS). The draft amended decision stipulates new masks for the block edges, to guarantee coexistence of MFCN with and without AAS, as well as compatibility with networks, operating in adjacent bands, such as networks of the Radio Astronomy Service (RAS) in the 2690 – 2700 MHz band. Accompanying deliverables have been also adopted : CEPT Report 72 in response to an ЕC mandate “to review the harmonized technical conditions for certain EU-harmonized frequency bands and to develop least restrictive harmonized technical conditions, suitable for terrestrial wireless 5G networks” – finally adopted, and ECC Report 308 on “Applicability analysis and update of the technical regulatory conditions for operation of 5G MFCN and AAS in the 2500 - 2690 MHz frequency band” - adopted for public consultations.
The long awaited ECC Report 303 containing “Guidelines for administrations on the coexistence of 5G and fixed lines in 26 GHz ("Toolbox")” has also been finally adopted.
A number of other decision have been as well adopted, which relate to the use of Level Probing Radars (LPR) for industrial purposes, operating in the frequency bands 6-8.5 GHz, 24.05-26.5 GHz, 57-64 GHz and 75-85 GHz, the harmonized use of the frequency band 63.72-65.88 GHz by Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), harmonized frequency plan for the use of the frequency band 169.4-169.8125 MHz by short range devices, new CEPT Report 73 „Report А – Evaluation and study of compatibility scenarios and coexistence in the band 5925-6425 MHz“ in order to study the possibility for use of Wireless Access Systems WAS/RLANs, draft new ECC Report on low power sound equipment for PMSE in the band 960 - 1164 MHz, etc.
All the participants considered the meeting extremely successful in view of the progress made on all issues and particularly on the introduction of 5G.
Hosting the 51-st plenary meeting of ЕСС demonstrates the commitment of the Bulgarian regulator to taking important decisions concerning the regulation and harmonized use of radio spectrum in Europe.